Brick by Brick


This is the way the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.  Some of the most majestic creations in the world.  With patience, precision, community and hard work.  This is not work that was done quickly.  Some research claims that it took the Egyptians 30 years to build the great Pyramid, some say 40 plus years then an additional 10-15 to construct the inside.  

Why is it that when it comes to ourselves we have this expectation that everything should just fall into place and our lives should be on track right away?  We get an idea of what we want to do and BAM it should all happen yesterday!  That’s just not the reality of life.  We need to begin with one step at a time.  We have to do all of the work it takes to build our dreams and lives in a way that works for us.  We begin the journey with one brick at a time.  We get the structure in place so that we have a strong foundation.  That could mean getting your physical self strong first in order to be able to carry the structure of what you are building.  

When we begin to look around and see what other people are doing and the success that they have created, it can be intimidating to us and we might begin to judge ourselves for not being good enough, not having as much, not being further along, not having as much knowledge or money as someone else.  We all have what we need right there inside of ourselves.  We all have abundant resources all around us if we just look.

It takes time my loves.  We begin and stop.  We falter and fail.  We run into obstacles on our path and life throws us unexpected curveballs.  This is all part of the journey.  There is no right way.  There is only your way and that is your unique essence that you bring to this world.  Don’t do it like everyone else.  Do it like you!  Do your life in your unique way.  Brick by brick my dear ones.  If one of them doesn’t fit, remove it and find another one.  Honor the one that doesn’t fit because it was there for you to pick up and see it in its own unique beauty.  It just might not fit for the temple that you are creating.  Keep going.  Be patient with yourself.  The bricks get heavy sometimes, but you can always find the strength to pick them up even if you need some assistance to do so.  We all do at different times.  Brick by brick.  Keep building your majestic temple.


Sit on Your Hands