Birth Chart Reading & Astrological Coaching

Using your chart to see where the planets were at the time of your birth can show you all of the areas that you excel in as well as what you might be drawn to naturally.  We are not all good at everything and we all have different expertise. We often fight against our own gifts thinking that we should be ‘doing’ or ‘being’ something different than what we already are.  What if you worked with the gifts that you naturally have and made your life work in a way that is unique to you? How would you know this if you haven’t identified exactly what those gifts are? By having your chart done by an expert you will gain clarity and peace using the map that you were given at the time that you were born.  I can help you identify common themes in your life and how to work with them to create the powerful, successful life that you are looking for. I help you by blending astrology with psychology and break it down in a very comprehensive way for you to apply it to practical, everyday life while maximizing your strengths and gaining clarity so you have a better understanding of yourself and others.

